Why ask God to forgive us if we (as disciples of Christ) are already forgiven? Do we need to continually call for God’s application of Jesus blood to cover our sins as if it could be somehow forgotten or undone?
This phrase is here because it is a constant reminder of our imperfection, our neediness. It reminds us, we ARE going to mess up today, yet again!
The “Lord’s prayer” is given as a model prayer, an effective prayer unlike the endless words of the church leaders of Jesus day. This prayer is basically what is really important for daily prayer.
Forgive us our debts. Yep… “Today Lord I realize I will make mistakes, I will fail, I will hurt You in some measure. Please, forgive my imperfection. I am truly sorry”
It is an admission of reality and an expression of a soft converted heart that we know our reality and our goals do not match. Not yet. We are not yet perfect. We will trespass God’s law. That will hurt God’s heart to see. We are very sorry and ask forgiveness now for what will come through our own weakness. We will do our best, and fail. We humbly ask forgiveness.
All of the “Lord’s prayer” is example words of a heart that loves God in a very personal way, yet is trapped for now in an evil and rebellious world and and body. We must own up to the reality that without Jesus forgiveness, even today I would miss God.
Think of the alternative. The church leaders of Jesus day prayed with thankfulness that they were not like “the sinner”, that they were better, more clean, more worthy. They had already reached perfection in their own eyes. And Jesus called them dead stinking open graves.
Jesus encouraged us to pray in reality… We need help. We are sinners, each of us. We constantly miss the mark of righteousness on our own. And that is OK. That is what we are doing here in this life, leaning to overcome! We are all in school, learning to walk by God’s power and Grace, not our own righteousness.
Forgive me today Lord, I want to be perfect, but in myself I am nothing. Only through Your constant forgiveness can I approach your throne boldly, washed off my sins past, present and future. I need constant forgiveness because I am not yet perfect and that’s OK. I trust in your plan, in your “now” for me.